Gary McKinnon [1]

Two possibilities:

1) The US government uses easy-to-hack decoy computers as a first line of defence.

2) Gary McKinnon really did break into Pentagon, NASA and US Navy computers, altering and deleting files, immobilising sensitive systems and causing $800,000 worth of damage. In which case the other NATO member nations should sue the US Government for running such insecure systems and putting us all at risk.

On the specific issue of extradition, the purpose of such a treaty is that nations which do not necessarily trust each other have a way of exchanging individuals suspected of a serious crime. There should be no need for such an agreement between the US and the UK. We all know that the much vaunted ‘special relationship’ is rather one sided, but there should be sufficient confidence between our nations for the US to have faith in UK courts and vice versa.

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