Unprincipled Short-termism

Jeremy Corbyn, who represents Labour’s passionate heart, is under attack from Labour’s devious head.

Whatever you might think of Blairite politics generally, the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters miss a fundamental point: representing the people does not mean doing or promising everything the people want. The role of a politician — a good, principled politician; one who understands that it’s about responsibility much more than rights & privilege — is to listen, debate, learn, think, draw the right conclusions, and then to persuade the people through good reasoning.

Doing and representing what is right kept Labour out of power because they failed to take the people with them. Pandering to base popular desires got them into power, but at great cost to this nation — including PFI hospitals, the university of bums-on-seats & tuition fees, the Iraq war, ‘extraordinary rendition’, and economic collapse.

It’s like unprincipled businesses shovelling more sugar and fat into their products, knowing it’s harmful in the long term, simply because they know it will sell more in the short term.

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